Murder Inc and Wasteland Specific gear will be released at this event.

This includes a new item card for a very limited national event only resource (only released at national events and at a smaller number at premier events), a new Murder Inc support kit for branches to use locally, and the following items/blueprints.:

  • A MI mask that augments and extends the use of the skill Proficient Stealth and interacts with Raiders in a unique way.

  • A grave dive procedure which allows for a group to attempt an assassination targeting a casted character when they have just entered the Mortis Amaranthine inflicting additional infection and fracture costs.

  • Wasteland firearm that leaves festering holes in the Wasteland, making wounds unable to be healed for a time.

  • Wasteland Florentine weapons that brings a new form of Killing Ground to 3.0.

  • That Cursed Pitchfork, which makes some unique changes to farming… in the Wasteland.

  • Tools to let Hunters engage in the greatest of Wasteland hunts to put meat on the table.

  • And four more to be discovered during the event.